The Annual Meeting on 02/02/2020
Post date: Feb 2, 2020 9:06:51 PM
The Rev. Elizabeth "Libby" Bagioni gives her presentation at The Annual Meeting on 02/02/2020. Note, the election portion of the meeting is not included in the video. Tom Hattaway was re-elected Vice Chair, Fran Croft was elected Assistant Vice Chair, Prudy Shaw was elected Secretary, Ed Knight was re-elected Treasurer for one year of the 4 year term, and Carol Johnson was elected to the remainder of the term (starting next year), Ginny Lindsay was re-elected Member At Large and Ricardo Lopez was elected to the other Member At Large position. Ginny Lindsay was elected Delegate to the ECD Convention in August in Washington State and Ricardo Lopez was elected Alternate Delegate.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six: